A process that is used to cure diseases. But the diseases that we know and we see symptoms in our body is physical illness but how and from where do that come from how do they function and bring imbalance in our physical body? Let me give you a brief on first our body. we do not have only this physical body? We have total 5 bodies in and around this seen physical body and all these are also call sheaths or in Sanskrit it is called kosha. We have 5 koshas in them one of is this physical kosha.
Energy healing is using subtle energy fields balance. Everything is energy everything is made of enrgy, its been said by scientist if you want to know yourself and this world and how it functions you should see it from the terms of energy, energy has vibration and frequency.
We have these energy fields around us and in us. When there is imbalance in the flow it enters our kosha and lastly in the body. That body later sends alarms . the diseases or the imbalance takes place much before we feel sick. This process is already curruting the inner system. We must know all the alarms that our body is giving us from time to time. We pay no heed to them and keep living a recless life and routine thus we end up in messy health problems. The doctor cures the physical problem but the roots are still in the sheaths. They may reoccur again and again to damage the system since the problem is not solved completely and imbalance is not corrected. Energy healing helps us to cure all diseases from the root or the core by healing all 5 sheaths of your body and also healing of karmic bondages too.
Yeah, I do experiencing it in the frequent number of times, these days.. It has been really better way I feels up towards the healthier and hassle-free life 🙂
Maecenas eget facilisis nunc. Nulla non justo lacus? Sed consequat bibendum orci non facilisis. Aliquam posuere sagittis eros ut sodales. Suspendisse vel orci convallis, gravida tellus vel, scelerisque velit? Donec eleifend justo et nulla pellentesque, vel eleifend nunc commodo.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed auctor sem non interdum aliquet! Curabitur laoreet magna quis sodales suscipit. Nunc pretium fringilla nisi vel sodales. Vestibulum sit amet varius sem. Curabitur condimentum blandit nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer id.
Donec quis metus nibh! Ut semper arcu in enim dignissim maximus. Etiam condimentum venenatis tortor semper dignissim. Morbi vel egestas velit, sollicitudin mattis lorem. Proin tempor aliquet neque fermentum. Curabitur egestas erat sed massa egestas, eu consectetur augue.
Curabitur laoreet magna vel nisi vehicula, non imperdiet erat congue. Aenean vitae leo in purus sagittis luctus; Duis suscipit massa dolor nibh sodales erat, a porta quam metus a sem. Etiam pharetra dapibus Vestibulum vel neque nisi, Praesent quis feugiat metus !
Aenean sit amet viverra diam, velit vel laoreet facilisis mi odio faucibus ligula, in semper elit erat eu lacus. Donec faucibus tempus turpis volutpat, ac tempus ipsum gravida fusce vestibulum erat augue.