Todays topic is not so favourite of many. Death no one really want to face it we have so many notions about this topic. Fear, doubts and unceratanity creeps within us. But today let us see it, face it but from different aspect. Our old belief of seeing it as negative topic creates fear and uncertainty.
All words carry certain meaning mostly those given by the world. We are nearly hypnotised by the negative projections. Lets start talking about it from a new perspective. We all know the fragility of life and its uncertainty …we are all hiding or running away from the truth and living like we will never have to face death and we are using the earth and its resources foolishly , distructing the ecosystem recklessly. As if we are the last generation on this earth Oh we will not get into that, its not the topic of today. We are living our life as if we are never going to face death. We all know what is born is going to die, lets change this word to transform. Yes this is the right most word we are are in the process of transformation every moment every time not only us but every speck is transforming every moment. So called “Death” is also an evolutionary Transformation. Its a very important event in our life. We do not know this beacause we never knew who we are in real at first place.
We all want to die peacefully and content.
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